PUBLIC NOTICE   |   2011 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
2011 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification

The Secretary of Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) pursuant to Code of Maryland Regulation has announced a modification for the 2011 commercial horseshoe crab fishery. Effective for the 2011 harvest season, a person must land at least two male horseshoe crab for each female horseshoe crab landed. The commercial horseshoe crab fishery will open June 8 for areas outside of 1 mile of the Atlantic coast and July 13 for the tidal waters of the State and continue as described in regulation.

The Secretary may, by public notice, modify catch limits or quotas, or open or close a season if the catch rates exceed expectations or the allowable catch is taken earlier than expected.

John R. Griffin
Maryland Department of Natural Resources