PUBLIC NOTICE   |   2013 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
2013 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification

The Secretary of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) pursuant to the Code of Maryland Regulation has announced a modification for the 2013 commercial horseshoe crab fishery. Effective at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, June 8, 2013, a person may not land any female horseshoe crabs and the annual total allowable landings of male horseshoe crabs for the commercial fishery is 255,980. All other rules remain the same.

Background Information for Changes
The Department is implementing the male-only horseshoe crab cap approved by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission horseshoe crab management process. This harvest level is based on the output of a multi-year, federal, state, and non-governmental organization (NGO) partnership process that uses the Framework for Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) model to set harvest levels. The harvest levels proposed by the model are designed to be lower than necessary to ensure a sustainable harvest of horseshoe crabs and an overabundance of horseshoe crab eggs for red knots and other shorebird populations. The harvest level will be reevaluated annually, allowing for management to adapt to the changes in the population levels of horseshoe crabs and shorebirds as a result of the regulations.

Joseph P. Gill
Maryland Department of Natural Resources